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Monday, February 22, 2016


I cannot keep up with Life.

It seems like I just got through the holidays, and here it is pushing March already!!

I'm a year older!

I'm still dragging things from the old house to the new.  The winter was very cold, so not a lot got done.  Spring is approaching fast and I'm ever so grateful for the temperatures in the 40s and 50s.

My workshop is ready.  All I need to do is unpack boxes and organize everything.  I've been chomping at the bit waiting patiently to get back to miniatures.  It has been far too long.

This past week I paid a visit to my cardiologist and I got the impression that my old ticker is trying desperately to "right" itself!!!  He took me off some med that was not agreeing with me.  Perhaps Life is in charge again.  : )  I sure hope so.

In the meantime, I've still been collecting.  I've got some really terrific pieces!  Once I get my little photo studio up and running, I'll bring these in and photograph them to share with you.  My head is awash with ideas, wish I had the time!!!

Each day that goes by I get closer to the day that I can actually begin again with my favorite past-time...miniatures!!

Sending everyone lots of love.