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Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Tomorrow my contractor is supposed to come to install the cabinets for the "workshop" and some shelving around the interior of our new home.

This house is going to work for us!  I'm excited.

Our first "party" is going to be Christmas Eve when perhaps 20 of us will gather for our annual sit-down dinner.  I'm not really prepared this year, but the show must go on!  I'll be taking the easy way out this year.  The menu will consist of a giant roast, flavorful roasted potatoes, a scalloped corn casserole, string beans, a cherry/cranberry jello salad, and an assortment of pies with fresh whipped cream or French vanilla ice cream.  That should hold back the tide until next year's event when I will have more preparation time.  : )

For fun, we have a white elephant gift-exchange.  Everyone brings the WORST thing they can put their hands on and then we fight, steal, laugh and barter our way through the opening of all the absurdity.  Everyone has a great time as we make new memories.

Soon, I will find my camera and will begin taking photos of the many unfinished projects.

The other night I moved ALL of the egg cartons and drink carriers over from the old house.  I've been collecting for quite a while.  They will become the "stones" for my cowboy house.  I can't wait to get started!!!  I will be sitting in front of the television and cutting the out.  The house is large, so I will need a sizable pile.  I've been dreaming of this project for years.  Finally, space to spread out and actually accomplish it.

Our weather has been cold and snowy and I've been out in it all moving my houses, room boxes, vignettes, dolls, furnishings, tools, etc.  Can't let other move these precious items.  I ended up with what was probably pneumonia, which I successfully fought off with the use of mega doses of Emergen-C and vitamin C.  It was miserable there for a while.  Glad I'm on this side of it.

In the intervening months, I have continued to add things to my collection.  Shortly, I'll be able to share those with you.  So much to do, and so little time!!  Yikes.

Well, may your Christmas season bring you great joy and contentment!  See you soon.

Blessings to one and all!


Monday, November 30, 2015


This move has come up rather suddenly!

The day before Thanksgiving my brother "suggested" that I take a house that became available only days before.  I jumped at the chance!!

Immediately, I began packing and shuttling belongings to the new home. 

Today, I booked the movers.  They will be coming on the 9th of December to get the BIG items that I am incapable of moving on my own.

Perhaps this will be the last move I will ever have to make.  It is truly a hardship to uproot a life. Uh. I've done it once too many times in the past.

Fortunately, this home is going to ALLOW me to get back to my miniatures!!!!  There is an entire wing of the home that will take my collections.  I may even start "a club" to share my time and efforts with other miniature lovers.  That is a happy thought.

My numerous dollhouses, room boxes, vignettes and little people will  f-i-n-a-l-l-y  have a permanent home.  What a delightful prospect this is.

In the meantime, I am going to be a busy soul sorting, organizing, and packing.  This event has given me my "hope" back, something to actually put my energy into and l@@k forward to. : )

I've been away for a very long time and have felt the loss deeply.  The days ahead sound wonderful!!!

"2016" will be the year I'm back up and running.  Absolutely fabulous!!!

This is our family's latest "mini," little Kaylee, 8 months old.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Young & Aging

These two lovely ladies now have "portraits" of themselves! 

Aren't they darling?

Won't it be fun to get the chateau put together with all of the wonderful things that I have purchased for them over the past year...fancy iron bedsteads, pretty painted commodes, lovely dressers, ornate fireplaces with mirrors, period carpets, knickknacks galore, even a pet or two.. 

I'm really trying to be patient, but my mental juices are flowing in every conceivable direction!!!

I know that I have to get my Real Life in order BEFORE I settle down to the miniature tasks at hand, though it would be so easy to just put off emptying boxes and dive into my passion....miniatures. 

Sadly, the other individuals in my Life would not appreciate that scenario!  And, do believe me, I would hear about it.  Don't want to go down that path.  LOL

So for the present, I will sneak time on my blog and add photos to entertain you and me!!  (hee hee)

Sunday, August 2, 2015


I cannot believe that it is just over a year since I last made an entry!

Where did my Life go???

I'm still wondering that myself.

There have been moves, illnesses, births and deaths which have taken up my time, energy and stolen many hours, days and months from my very existence. 

Miniatures have had to take a back seat!  I've missed them terribly.

Now, that my latest move is nearly behind me, I'm thinking again about my beloved miniatures.

I have to locate my camera and begin taking photographs of all that is "new."

Stay tuned...

I may have been out of circulation for quite a while, but my "collecting" has never suffered.

There will be so much to share!!!

:  )

