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Monday, June 17, 2013


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And enjoy SEEING my "collections"
up close and personal
without all of the rhetoric (chatter)
on my blog.

As the saying goes,

"A picture is worth 1,000 words!"

: )

Sunday, June 16, 2013


While waiting for my daughter to arrive
I took these photographs.

That once empty sky from my entry
now has a few clouds forming
in it today!

I will have to make a point
of capturing some of our sunsets! 

They are very pretty, as well.



CLICK on photo to ENLARGE

This photograph was taken
from the kitchen window
looking north across the lake toward
Glacier National Park
in the far, far, far distance.
(Ususally, it is totally WHITE.)

The "faded" mountain range
just to the left of the full green tree
under the line of white clouds
are the Rocky Mountains.
To the left of them you can see some
"snow-topped" mountains even more faded...
THAT is Glacier National Park.


I could kick myself!!!

The weather and scenery were spectacular...

the Rocky mountains,
lovely green pine forests,
winding roads,
lake and island vistas,
fabulous rock out-croppings, 
cherry orchards,
Architectural Digest-type log homes,
white-tailed deer, and wildflowers...

What was I doing? 

Answer, driving the automobile!

This "road trip" was specifically taken to
drive up to my mother's new lake home
overlooking Flathead Lake
(2 hours north)
to measure
for the proposed new kitchen
and lower-level apartment.

This home is 3-stories,
about 6,600 square feet
with lake, mountain, glacier,
island and sky views
out of every window.

What a missed opportunity to share

I literally took it for granted.

I live in God's country,
surrounded by some
of the most spectacular scenery on earth
and I got caught up
in my mundane little life
and forgot
to document the beauty for YOU!

What a shame!!!

: (


Not a cloud in the sky!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Let me introduce..."Silke"...

Isn't she just a dear?

And look at this lace dress!

CLICK on photos to ENLARGE


"Silke" is the creation of doll artisan,
Silke Janas-Schlosser

I asked if it would be acceptable
to call my doll after her,
and she kindly, and modestly consented.

I think the name is so sweet and unique! 


My "Silke" and her many tabby cats
share this shabby "whitewashed" cabin
that was fashioned
by Caroline of Cinderella Moments.

I just love, love, love this cabin!!!

I wouldn't mind living in one like this myself.
It is so airy and bright...
sweet, charming and totally delicious.

As you can see, it is feeding time
and the cats are beginning to gather. 

A closer view.

CLICK on photos to ENLARGE

As long as I have your attention, I have a few
new photographs of the interior to share.

Yes, yes, I am still "testing" furniture
to see what fits and what does not.

I brought in an armoire this time
and it is covering the front door!

I don't think that it is half bad.

On the left side is the dining area...

...and on the right, the living room.

There are a few things left for me to do...

I have to hang more items on the walls
and add some extra accessories.

Other than that I think I'm pretty much satisfied
with the way it looks.

The plan is to "add" a shelf
across the entire ceiling line of the room
above the door and windows
to display plants and knickknacks.

I am definitely a fan of  "too many" trinkets.
It would seem that I was born
into the wrong era!  (LOL)

Once that is done, I think that the cabin will be
for the most part complete.


There is a saying here in Montana,

"If you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes!"


Well, I could add to that,

"If you do like the weather, too bad...
as in 5 minutes it can change."

These clouds showed up AFTER the photograph
I posted as "picture-perfect" yesterday!

Doesn't look like the same day, does it?
But it was. 
This is Montana for you!!!

I still love it.

: )

Friday, June 14, 2013


Today is a picture-perfect day!
With Webshots having deleted
my albums of  "posted" photographs,
I have switched over to Flickr,
and am I ever so pleased with the results!

While I was at it, I joined Pinterest, too.

For the present, I've duplicated
the photos from this site,
as I haven't had the time to go
searching through my discs.

Never fear, all will come together shortly!

Right now, I am chomping at the bit
 to rush out to my workshop and drag in
my shabby "White-Washed Cabin,"
so as to get some better photographs
to post HERE with its little "story."

: )

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


All settled, and enjoying their
new home and life together!

CLICK on photo to ENLARGE
As you can see they have been extremely busy...

The curtains were hastily hung.
The flowers are blooming.
There is already a tiny "box" garden.

CLICK on photo to ENLARGE

The laundry is in process.

The lawn has been mowed.

Bread is being made.

Pay no never mind that there is NO OVEN yet...
(details, details, details!!!)

"Missy" (cat) has found her spot.

A lumpy toad has take up residence

in an old flower pot!

Such is life.

~ JACK ~

Sweet Jack

Silly Jack!

Sleeping Jack


The real estate transaction went ever so smoothly
and "Wisteria Cottage" now belongs
to Hoodie and Goose.
They are thrilled to have found such a cozy abode.
Pictured is MOVING DAY!
Here we have Jerry just driving up
with their belongings...

Now that Gerry has arrived,
Hoodie is on her way out to the water pump
to fetch some fresh water... 

(Close up of the old, country pump)

As soon as Gerry unloaded the furniture,
he had a cup of cold well water,
and was on his way
as he had a day of deliveries to make.


Thought that you would enjoy these "close ups"
of Red Riding Hood & Goose,
and how they look today...2013!

CLICK on photos to ENLARGE
(see the details)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


(Looking west)
Snow still on the mountain tops!!

Smells soooooo good!!! 
Took a photograph of a bee "collecting" pollen,
and to my surprise another insect happened to be on another leaf.
(lower right hand corner)

Looking east, mountains in the distance
with the river flowing by below.

I just LOVE Montana!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013


How about a Pirates' Island?

Poor souls, all that "treasure"
and not a mall in sight!


Or how about a Gypsy Wagon?

This one is going to become a nightlight.
I will bore a hole in the bottom of it
and insert a small bulb.
The windows will be "stained glass"
for color and interest.
My little Match-Maker, "Golda," (by Detta's Darlings)
is the lady in the plastic bag...this keeps the dust from
settling in the folds of her dress!!


Anyone up to a "cross-country trip" in a covered wagon?

This little beauty will be home for my Michael Landon
"look-alike" doll dressed in buckskin
by Joan Blackwood.
All it needs is to be filled with staples
and he is off!



Isn't this cute?
Display by Mike's Miniatures
Chairs by Judith Dowden
Braided rug by Carol Cammer


"Red Riding Hood" has aged considerably
(as you will soon see) 
since I was introduced to her some 60+ years ago.

She and "Goose" (from Golden Eggs fame)
have been friends for many, many years
and recently decided that they would like to look
for a little country cottage 
rather than retire into a nursing care facility,
which had been unfeelingly suggested
by some younger relatives.

This was just NOT what the two of them
had in mind for their Golden Years! 

So, together they set out in search...

The choices were limited, for at present
there are only three cottages available to choose from:

by Tracy Topps 
(Minis On The Edge)


Hand-painted by... 



"Wisteria Cottage"


Sunday, June 9, 2013


A thrift-store find:

I now call this home
the "Shabby White House"

It started out with a dismal "unfinished" wooden roof,
forest-green sides, black and white shutters
and as you can still see, green astro-turf
on the porch.

My grandson was kind enough
to undercoat the entire exterior with Kils.
I will take it from here.

Once I decide which furnishings to use inside,
the exterior will get another coat of paint,
as will the roof.
The floors inside will have to be reinforced
and the bottom of the entire structure will need bracing as well.

I have taken out the third story attic floor
and will retain the open vaulted feeling
by adding white structural beams
for architectural interest.

Floors will be "pickled," painted, or receive coverings as warranted.
Most porch arches will receive hanging, potted flowers.

I call this shop:

"Jamais Après"

my little French shop! 
(Translation:  "Ever After")

Decorative topiary trees will fill the empty pots under the shutters.
A shop sign will be made for over the top of the bay window.
And speaking of the windows, they will be "glazed"
with acetate sheets that have cross-hatching silk-screened on to them.

I created the pretty "stone" floor
from egg cartons. 
I just love, love, love it!!!

Well, I apologize that it has been feast, or famine with me!

I came out of the starting gate
strong and eager to get going,
only to abruptly drop off the face of the earth
as it were.

Now I'm back in form
with energy to spare
posting four times today alone!

Guess you are going to have to take
what you can get, when you can get it.

: )

There are so many "projects" begging for attention.
You will see these and others
in the hours, days, weeks,
months and years ahead.


I can't stop now!

There are more "projects" to post.

Get a load of this one!!!

~My "cowboy" house~

I've named it FOSS HOUSE after the rancher
who had me come drag it out of his utility barn.

I couldn't not take it. 

What potential is has!!!

Even if it is old, falling apart and dirty.

Why this one came complete with genuine rat droppings! 
"They" lived well.

At present, it houses my collection of egg cartons,
as each is slated to provide "stones"
for the exterior and fireplaces.

Crazy as it may sound,
I had this sitting in my living room for a time,
just so I could gaze upon it,
"study" it and dream up some ideas. 

The "wings" will be converted into
1) a modern country-gourmet kitchen,
including granite countertops & copperware; and,
2) a grand family room complete with rustic 
wide plank floors, beam work, and a stone fireplace.

My motif will be HORSES.

There will be leather furniture,
bronze statues,
cowboy and ranch fare everywhere.

Very interesting house-to-be!


Now this next project has me painted into a real corner.

It is a rotating lamp base sectioned into 4.

I call it "Four Seasons,"
as I envision each of the quarters
representing a season...
spring, summer, fall and winter.

Two sections are exterior vistas,
the other two are interior rooms.

Here is what I have to work with:


There is a little wall-hung fountain complete with coy, being "eyed" by a curious cat.
Spring flowers are in bloom.
And a birdhouse is awaiting tenants.
This garden is viewed from the summer kitchen.

There had been a tree in the corner that hid part of the wall.
It was a piece of Statis and was falling apart, so I pitched it.

I may have to consider a trellis along that bare section
of wall with a "trained" tree. 
Or some sort of flowering arbor with a little bench tucked inside.
This is a boring little yard!


I really wanted this to be a "fall" kitchen,
but the order just didn't make it possible for that.
So, I'm stuck with a "summer" kitchen. 
Bye-bye sunflowers.

(You are going to have to use your imagination on this one
and insert the picture of the 2 boxer dogs in the "blue & gold" hallway photo HERE)

...see LARGER photograph is posted below...
[after the postings]

I'll attempt to locate the disc that has that photo on it
so I can post the photo to give this posting continuity. 

(Hope I can find it!)

In the meantime, just scroll down
to see what I'm talking about, if you are at all curious.

The entry way has white French doors with white "marble" floors.
Dark blue wallpaper with tiny gold pattern.
There is a John Hodgson brass eagle table
with green marble top and a gold-leaf mirror above.
These are flanked by two gold-leaf caryatid plant holders.
What I envision for here is a large decorator vase
filled with fall-colored flowers.
The caryatids will be filled with trailing ivy
and a few token fall-flowers.

The dogs stay!

I will add a James Carrington Art-Deco doll
who is dressed-to-the-teeth in gold silk.
While she is very dramatic,
she is not at all like the rest of the scenes!
But, where else am I going to use her?
I had thought that this would be my "fall" yard,
but it HAS to be "winter" instead.
So, I'll have to get out the Gesso and
"dust" the dried plant with snow!
The fountain is going to have to have 
frozen ice water instead of flowing water.
And, the yard will have to say good-bye to the green grass
and put on its winter overcoat of snow.


This is NOT what I had in mind.

I just know that this project
is going to throw me for a loop, emotionally!
Too many restrictions.

So is Life. 

I welcome any and all suggestions
if you have any to share. 

: )